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School Improvement Team By Laws

WMS School Improvement Team By-Laws

Purpose: Each school must have a School Improvement Team (SIT) that develops the School Improvement Plan (SIP). This plan should identify the school’s efforts to improve student performance and reach the educational goals of the school board.

References: G.S. 115C-105.27

Development and Approval of School Improvement Plans:
Montgomery County Schools Board Policy 3430

Resource: NC School Improvement Planning Implementation Guide from the State Board of Education and DPI, Montgomery County Schools SIP Template

Timeline: A School Improvement Plan (SIP) may be in effect for no more than two years. The plan will be reviewed and/or revised each quarter with biannual conferences conducted by district office staff. Teams will generate new plans each summer to early fall. First reading by the MCS Board of Education will occur at the October meeting.

School Improvement Team Meetings shall follow all legal requirements stated in G.S 115C-105.27. As a public body, the SIT will comply with Open Meetings Law (G.S. 143-318.10) in regard to its meetings.

SIT meetings shall be advertised each semester on the school website and by notifying the

Superintendent’s office for notification purposes. SIT members shall be emailed meeting notices at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, and written minutes (after careful review) will be posted on the school website in a timely manner. The SIT does not hear personnel or student complaints. It is our recommendation that the SIT team decides when it is appropriate to hear from guests who attend the SIT meetings.


A closed session shall only be held when confidential student information is discussed. To protect student confidentiality, it is recommended that Parent Representatives be excused from closed session. If closed session is required, use the following statement:

Chairman: I will entertain a motion for the SIT to go into closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11 for the following purposes:

Under subsection (a) (1) to prevent the disclosure of privileged and confidential student information pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 1232g (FERPA)

The SIT team will consist of the principal, representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, teacher assistants and parents of students attending the school. Each group of school personnel will elect representatives from their perspective group by secret ballot. Parents (at least 2) are to be elected yearly in accordance with GS 115-C-105.27. Parents may not be building level employees and should reflect the ethnic and socioeconomic make up of the student body.

Written minutes are required for the purpose of what topics were discussed and what actions were taken. It is not a "minute by minute" account for informing someone who was not in attendance. Minutes should be posted to the school website after careful review, in a timely manner Written minutes are also required for closed session meetings; however, those minutes shall be withheld from public inspection and not published on the school’s website

The school improvement process allows for input from stakeholders, including parents and student representatives. This collaboration affords the opportunity to support the instructional programs and meet the needs of all students.






Section 1: The name of this School Improvement Team shall be the West Middle School Improvement Team, Located at 129 Hwy 109 South, Mt. Gilead NC 27306.


ARTICLE II:  Purpose & Authority


Section 1: West Middle School will provide a positive, educational experience that meets the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs of students in transition from elementary to high school.


Section 2: The Montgomery County School’s district goals provide direction for our continuous progress of improvement. The driving force behind each strategic priority goal is the single-minded consideration of what is best for the education of each student we serve. The School Improvement Team will develop a comprehensive School Improvement Plan that addresses the Montgomery County School’s Strategic Plan with detailed strategies that will facilitate reaching the school’s goals.  The plan should include:

A.     A plan for the use of staff development funds

B.     A plan to address school safety and discipline

C.     A plan that specifies the effective instructional practice and methods to be used for students at risk of academic failure.

D.     Will review the overall operating budget of the school


Section 3: The North Carolina General Assembly established the School-Based Management and Accountability Program with the overall purpose of improving student performance (G.S. §115C- 105.20). All school districts in North Carolina are required to participate in the program (G.S. § 115C-I05.21 (a). The law (G.S. §115C-105.27) specifies that each school shall develop a school improvement plan (SIP) that considers: the goals set out in the mission statement for the public schools adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE), and the annual performance goals for that school as established by the SBE under G.S. § 115C~ 105.35, which states annual performance goals shall: focus on student performance in the basics of reading, mathematics, and communications skills in elementary and middle schools, focus on student performance in courses required for graduation and on other measures required by the State Board of Education in high schools.



ARTICLE III: Membership

Section 1: The composition of the School Improvement Team shall have elected members of the school staff, elected parents, and permanent members.

1a: Permanent members will be principal, assistant principal and instructional facilitator. On school years that begin with an even number, the following representatives will be elected: 6th grade, 8th grade, teacher assistants, instructional support. On school years that begin with an odd number, the following representatives will be elected: 7th grade, exploratory, office staff and EC.



Section 2:  The elected members of the SIT shall consist of the following:

A.     Faculty Representatives: The following staff members shall be elected:

1.      a teacher representative of each grade level

2.      a representative of the exceptional education teacher department

3.      a representative of the exploratory department

4.      arepresentative of the office staff

5.      a representative of the school’s support staff (guidance, media, technology facilitator, custodians, bus drivers)

6.      a representative of teacher assistants

7.      a backup representative of each department area

Their respective groups shall elect each of these representatives by secret ballot at a department meeting during the first 10 days of school. The results will be communicated to the principal, whom will then communicate the list of representatives to the school staff.


B.     Parent Representatives: While we understand more representation is desired, 2 members of the SIT shall be parents. Parent members will be chosen to reflect the racial and socio-economic composition of the school. The parent members must have a child enrolled in the school but shall not be employees of WMS.  It is advantageous if parent representatives are chosen in an election conducted by the PTO during the first 10 days of school.


C.     The principal shall have the authority to recommend up to three additional members if needed for racial and socio-economic balance and equal representation so long as the number of appointed members does not exceed one-fourth of the SIT.  The principal shall present the recommended names to the SIT for approval.


ARTICLE IV: Terms of Service

Section 1: Each group is encouraged to rotate membership among those in the group. These representatives will serve a two-year term, and can serve for two consecutive terms. Members rotate off the team in a staggered manner so that experienced members are on the team at all times. At WMS, on school years that begin with an even number, the following representatives will be elected: 6th grade, 8th grade, teacher assistants, instructional support. On school years that begin with an odd number, the following representatives will be elected: 7th grade, exploratory, office staff and EC.


Section 2: Parent members serve a one-year term. Two new parents will be voted into SIT each year. Parent members should not be current staff members.


ARTICLE V: Officers

Section 1: The officers of the SIT shall consist of: a chair, a vice-chair(optional), a secretary.

Section 2: The SIT officers and committee chairs (as needed) will be selected during the team’s first meeting of the year. The SIT chair must currently be a member of SIT or have had prior experience on a School Improvement Team.

To select officers, nominations may be made from the floor. Should there be multiple candidates, an election will be held.  A simple majority is needed for election.

In the event of a need for an interim SIT chair, the current vice-chair will immediately assume the role of the SIT chair for the remainder of the term. The current secretary will take on the role of vice-chair, while maintaining the role of Secretary.

In the event of a need for an interim SIT vice-chair, the current secretary will immediately assume the role of the SIT vice-chair and will maintain the role of secretary.

In the event of a need for an interim secretary, a volunteer for the SIT team will fill the position.


ARTICLE VI:  Duties of Officers/Members


Section 1: The chairperson of the SIT shall work with the principal to develop the meeting agenda, send agenda and meeting reminder no less than two days prior to the meeting, shall preside and conduct all meetings, and shall help oversee the implementation of the School Improvement Plan.


Section 2: The vice-chairperson shall perform the duties of the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson. The vice-chair will become the chairperson of the SIT if the chairperson is unable to complete the term. The vice-chairperson shall also serve as parliamentarian and timekeeper of meetings.

Section 3: The secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and distribute copies to all staff members.

Section 4:  The duties of SIT representatives shall include:

A.     Attend meetings

B.     Report back to constituents within one week of the meeting.

C.     Bring concerns/issues of constituents to SIT as needed.

D.     Consider all points of view, make suggestions, and help the team make decisions that reflect the thinking of the entire group.

E.      Maintain a notebook containing SIT minutes and relevant documents to give to the next representative of the group.


Section 5:  The duties of staff members (not members of SIT) shall include:

A.     Attend team/departmental meetings

B.     Bring concerns/issues to the team/departmental meeting as needed

C.     Read and review team/departmental and SIT meeting agendas and minutes

D.     Consider all points of view, make suggestions, and help the SIT make decisions that reflect the thinking of the entire group.


Section 6: Prior to starting a new rotation, the first meeting of the school year will be a joint meeting of current and newly elected members. Also at this meeting the bylaws shall be reviewed. Any goals for the new year shall be listed and recorded in the minutes.





Section 1: Monthly meetings for the year are to be scheduled at the first meeting of the new school year, and the schedule placed on the school’s website.  School Improvement Team meetings are open to all parents and staff members.


Section 2: Meetings will be held at a predetermined place and time that is agreeable to all members, including parents and staff, on a monthly basis. The chair may call additional meetings if necessary. The chair of the School Improvement Team and the principal shall call changes in the date and time of the meetings; however, notice of at least five working days prior to the original meeting date is needed. Emergency situations to be handled if those arise.


Section 3: A two-thirds majority will be necessary to conduct meetings. Backup representatives should be at meetings if elected members must be absent.


Section 4:  Should the team need to go into closed session, all non-members should be dismissed.


Section 5: An agenda will be prepared by the Chairperson and made available to SIT members prior to each meeting. A portion of each meeting will be designated as open to the public. Any parent or staff . Any parent or staff member may address the SIT for a maximum of 3 minutes to  state opinions or concerns.


Section 6: Approved minutes of meetings will be posted on school’s webpage. This communication will take place once the minutes are approved at the subsequent meeting.


Section 7: Whereas Roberts Rules of Order are recognized as the authoritative source in open meeting procedures, this SIT will observe the rules as stated in the Fourth Edition.  Additionally, meeting norms will be developed during the first meeting.


Section 8: SIT meetings fall under the Open Meetings Law of North Carolina. NC General Statues Chapter 143 Article 33C.



Section 1: A cooperative decision by consensus is preferred; however, when voting becomes necessary, each SIT member in attendance, except for the SIT chair, shall receive one vote. The SIT chair will vote only in case of a tie vote.


Section 2: Only School Improvement Team members are voting members of SIT, and the majority of the SIT members is required to pass a motion.


Section 3: Issues brought before the School Improvement Team for a vote, must be passed by a simple majority of the members present.  Should there be a tie vote, the SIT chair will vote.







ARTICLE IX:  School Communication Process

Section 1:  Should include the following:

A.     Each teacher is required to have 2 positive contacts per student per semester (2 way communication, such as phone call, email, text, personal contact, etc.)

B.     Post agenda and minutes of meetings

C.     Place minutes and handouts in a notebook/manual for all parents to review

D.    Make reports at staff meeting, PTSO meetings

E.     Encourage staff member and parents to attend SIT meetings

F.    Post/announce dates for meetings on school website

   G.  Include team members, meeting dates, times, and location, bylaws, and meeting minutes on the school web page

              H. Include the school budget in the School Improvement Notebook

Section 2: The School Improvement Team will maintain a system of communication to keep all staff members and parents informed of the site-based shared decision making line of authority and the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Education, Superintendent, Principal, and School Improvement Team.


Section 3: The system/process for communicating will be in writing and placed in the School Improvement Team minutes when appropriate.


ARTICLE IX:  Committees and Sub Committees

Section 1:  Members of the SIT shall have the authority to establish Special Committees as needed to met the purpose of SIT as stated in Article II. Math and ELA Goal teams are required.

Section 2: All staff members have the right to vote on the School Improvement Plan by a secret ballot.

Section 3: Goal Team Chairs will report monthly to the SIT


ARTICLE X:  School Improvement Plan

Section 1:  To be re-evaluated yearly by SIT committee members.

Section 2: All staff members have the right to vote on the School Improvement Plan by a secret ballot.


ARTICLE XI:  Amendment of Bylaws

Section 1:  SIT Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority of the whole school faculty and staff.