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Exceptional Children

Exceptional Children


The West Middle School Program for Exceptional Children is child-centered and believes that all students can contribute and be a valuable part of the school climate and a productive member of society.

We strive to provide services in the least restrictive environment and focus on inclusive practices but, offer other options such as self-contained to students based on their individual needs and IEP team decisions. Instruction is curriculum based and utilizes the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, as well as Extended Content Standards for students with significant cognitive delays.

All students with disabilities participate in state and local testing, and assessment. Decisions are made by the IEP teams.  Assessment options include:  End of Grade or End of Course Assessment with or without modifications and Extend 1.  Students who receive Inclusion follow the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and are likely to reach grade-level proficiency in the same amount of time as students without disabilities.  The North Carolina Extend 1 assessment may be taken by students with significant cognitive disabilities who follow the Extended Content Standards curriculum.

Student IEP’s are driven by data collection and applies research-based interventions and methodology.  Parent participation is key to the success of our program.  Parents are encouraged to take part in the IEP team meetings as well as involvement in all school-related activities.

Our teachers are highly qualified and certified in their respective areas of expertise.  Staff members, including teacher assistants, participate in the most current and up to date staff development and training.

At West Middle School, we set high expectations for all of our students, including exceptional children.